The Goddess - The sole woman who leads Decalore. Over the last two decades she molded the country into a near utopia.
Decalore - The country where our story takes place. Formerly a desolate, lawless land, The Goddess raised it to it's near utopia state. Learn more about it here Here!
Phoenix Factor - The special powers the cast use. Every human has something called P-Cells within their body. If an individual makes a large decision, or goes through great change in their life, their P-Cells activiate, giving them a Phoenix Factor. Phoenix-Factors are unique to the user's story and no two are identical.
Clown Car - Layle's Phoenix Factor. Her ability allows her to construct a train and ride along the top or bottom of the sea.
WalteR-ocks - The world known rock candy mined in the Sweet Sands...I'll give you 5 dollars if you can guessed who it's named after...
Soda Sea - The water surrounding the Sweet Sands is made of soda. It's dangerously acidic in it's base form. Alongside WalteR-ocks, it's harvested and sold world wide.
Love-Way - The highways that connect the different segments of Decalore.
Love-Zone - Decalore is broken up into several segments called Love-Zones. Each has wildly different cultures, foods, weather patterns, the whole nine yards.