The Scarred Land


Decalore is segmented into several pieces, or Love-Zones, each with its own unique animal life, culture, weather patterns, etc. Below are the names of each segment.

The Sweet Sands

The Sweet Sands might just be the sugar capital of Decalore, shit, maybe the whole world! The purest rock candy and soda are harvested here and shipped all over the globe. This zone was originally overlooked until one Walter Igbah touched down with a plan! Most of the abysmally small population either spend their days in the mines, or in the sea collecting soda. But aside from that, this zone is pretty quiet, no tourist attractions or major cities, just brown sugar sand as far as the eye can see.

The Root of Entertainment

This zone is built upon an absolutely MASSIVE tree. The weather here fluctuates based on the collective emotions of the inhabitants. So, if the majority is feeling good, the weather is good; if they're feeling bad, the weather is bad. But seeing how world-renowned crops are grown here, good weather = $$$. And to keep the cash coming in, the R.O.E. became Decalore's leisure hub: malls, movies, good grub—anything and everything to keep a smile on the population's (with money) faces.


All things must come to an end...And the murky swamps of the FounD(ead)ation encompass that to a T. In fact, this zone can't even be driven to, any visitors must cross the foreboding water by boat. Despite it's spooky aesthetics, many older folk come here to retire, it's usually warm and the just as creepy wildlife assist those they smell death on...And when they do pass, they're carefully escorted to the other side...Oh, and the country's only prison and cemetery are located here.

Ruffian's Resort

If you like to compete, this is the zone for you! Ruffian's Resort is the backdrop of the regularly held Rival-Games, a tournament bolstering a series of challenges with a fat ass cash prize! People from all over come to compete, or just enjoy the tropical weather, a major backbone of this Zone's economy is reliant on the ever busy hotels and resorts...But, just between me and you, if you do end up visiting, don't stray too far from your hotel...Trust me on this one.

Spatial Glaciers

You don't have to wish upon a star, they're scattered at your feet! This zone is cold as Decalore's most prestigious schools are located here, students are pretty much guaranteed a good job after graduation. Even the animals here are smart as all hell, probably because they eat the star fruits that grow outta the ground. If you can stand the cold, and some wonky gravity, this is easily one of the most beautiful zones to visit. A lotta people get married here under the sea of stars and honeymoon alongside the aurora borealis...:') That kinda stuff just brings a tear to my eye.

High Place Palace

If you don't make high 6-7 figures a year, don't even think about, thinkin' about movin' here! All the shitty, snobby, rich outta touch fucks live here and probably touch kids and lay people off without notice. Gated neighborhoods, oversized mansions, affairs with the cleaning lady, you know the vibes.