Meet the Gang

The Gang

Lucy Lovebeat

Lucy Lovebeat

The red wind storms through! Lucy is our vibrant protagonist with deep eyes and big ears! In a search for some kind of meaning, she sets her eyes on the country of Decalore. Maybe she'll run into her deadbeat ass mom. Oh yeah, her mom's the Goddess of Decalore, but that don't mean much, Lucy is Lucy. Her older brothers raised her, trying their best to keep Lucy outta trouble but...They know better than anyone that those words are synonyms...She swore to become Layle's rival, Lay's gonna share her love of the sea and Lucy'll take over all of Decalore. She also met the too cool for school Nancey and the boastful Walter. They both have a little mystique to them but, just give it a lil time, Lucy's gonna figure 'em out.

Phoenix Factor: Hang Time

Lucy's ability lets her manipulate air, in a few ways. She can blast pure air from her palms to blow things away or to propel herself at high speeds. She can also ball her fists to make mines that burst on her command. These two uses of her ability draw from the air in her lungs so she can't spam them. However, she can hit an object to store energy within it and release it on her command, this does not take any air from her lungs.

Fun Fact: Lucy exclusively wears clothes she can run and or fight in.

Henry Lovebeat

Henry Lovebeat

The Lovebeat-Lawmaker! Henry is the oldest of the four Lovebeats and the closest any of them had to a father. It wasn't easy but he managed to raise himself, his siblings, and work his way through law school. Henry is usually cool, calm, and collected, there's only one person in the world that can shake up that icy demeanor...After saying goodbye, he's confident his little sister will be alright. It'll only be a matter of time before she gets into trouble, but that's par for the course.

Phoenix Factor: Weight of the World

Henry can make anything he touches heavy as all Hell. Like we see in his scrap with Lucy, he can even weigh parts of himself down to make his punches even heavier.

Fun Fact: Has almost all of Lucy's old track meets saved on a USB.

Victor & Oscar Lovebeat

Victor and Oscar Lovebeat

The Middle-Men! (Don't tell 'em we put them as one entry.) These two play off each other well, Victor's kinda an asshole and Oscar's a pretty heartfelt guy. Henry's sense of justice, and the attributes from these two gave us the Lucy we see today...Just like Henry they're proud of Lucy's growth and already miss their baby sis. If things go wrong they'll be the first to step onto Decalorean soil!

Fun Fact: Oscar's a pretty well known dj in their area, and Victor's actually won a few awards for teaching.

Layle Cakoona

Lay Lay

Save our Seas Layle! As she dropped her off, Layle and Lucy became rivals, from here on out they're gonna race towards their dreams. Lucy may have a louder personality, but don't count Layle out!

Phoenix Factor: The Clown Car

Layle can summon a fully operational clownfish themed train car and ride atop or below the sea, unaffected by water pressure or the sorts. She can also form air pockets to stop and fully appreciate the scenery. Despite the The Clown Car being a product of her power, it's still a machine, so Layle has to stay on top maintenance.

Fun Fact: Sometimes cries watching undersea nature documentaries. They're so free down there.

Walter O-Tero Igbah

Lucy Lovebeat

Walter is a confident guy to say the least. He seems like an easy goin' guy, he's just a tad (more than a tad) full of himself. He did single-handedly put the Sweet Sands on the map economically ...but still...just a lil modesty wouldn't hurt.

Fun Fact: Isn't the biggest fan of sweets.

Nancey Meas

Lucy Lovebeat

Ya feelin' lucky punk!? Sugar Stop's cool as hell cowgirl slid onto the scene...Despite her nonchalant vibe, Lucy noticed something off about her...She's older than Lucy, but still younger than everyone else in town...But that wasn't it...Either way they'll be working together from here on out, so the truth will come to light soon enough.

Phoenix Factor: ?????

She slid into town on some kinda white liquid...Hmmm?

Fun Fact:She dibble dabbles in a few languages